Thursday, February 2, 2017


Last Wednesday Mac had a stomach bug and spent the morning on the couch. When David got home from preschool, he grabbed his pillow and blanket so that he could rest with Mac, too.

From the kitchen I overheard some very funny conversations between the two boys (not intentionally funny on their part). I glanced into the living room to see that Abigail had also joined the party. She was talking to our family picture and laughing.

It was a sweet moment to see all three of them happy and enjoying family.

A few minutes later I sent the boys downstairs to watch a TV show together so that I could put Abigail down for her nap. As soon as she was falling asleep, an angry yell came up the stairs:

"MOM! David threw Gatorade at me!!!"

And then Abigail started to cry.

And there went those few nice moments of rest for mom. 

Four small kids is really hard. But I am thankful for each one. And I am certain I will look back on these days with longing and gratefulness.