Friday, March 30, 2012

At the rest stop

Two diaper changes and two clothing changes later, we are loving our freedom from the confines of the minivan!

Mac keeps saying "be careful Corrie, don't fall in the hole!"

I just keep thanking the Lord for the gift of being able to enjoy these two so much.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


She loves her cereal! And that's a breakfast I will make any day :).

Thursday, March 22, 2012

His Name is Jeno Bug

The "Jeno Bug"
Probably the best entertainment we have had in weeks is a curious little beetle that was in the wrong place at the wrong time this morning (sitting in the middle of our kitchen floor when Mac walked by).

As you can see, Mac has a new best friend for a while. Mac said his name is "Jeno Bug" (Is that the correct spelling of his name, Mac?)

Watching the Jeno Bug race really fast!

Petting the Jeno Bug

Just when I thought this bug would be with us for a while, Mac told me that he put the bug "back in the hive." Guess Corrie will be having a surprise tonight when we turn her humidifier on!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

"I did it!!!"

The other day I was making lunch in the kitchen and Mac came running in excitedly saying, "Mommy! I did it! I did it Mommy!"

I turned around, surprised, wondering to myself, "dare I hope? Did he go 'pee pee' in the potty?"

H! Ha!.......sigh. Oh, I just have to laugh or else I will cry.

Apparently, that morning Mac discovered the amazing truth that crayons don't just work on paper! You can actually color on chairs, floors, walls...pretty much anything you want! In fact, if you can find a pen, you even color yourself (he made "tigger stripes" all over his hands and arms).

I followed him to the wall where he proudly exclaimed, "I did it mommy! I make red and green snakes on the wall!"

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Today you are a joy

Have you ever heard someone tell you, "Man, being at home and raising kids is a full-time job!" I haven't just heard it - I've said it. Over and over again, lot's of times to Ellis, so he can know that it isn't all just fun and games around here when he's at work. Somehow I must make him understand how I suffer! this really how I act? Sadly, more often than is. Even sadder, I think I believe it too.

But not today!

There's something different going on around here these days, and the only way that I can explain it is that God Himself is making some pretty big changes in our family.  More on that later, but for now, I just want to declare that I am thankful.

Mac and Corrie, I want you know you that you are not a full-time job to me. Today, and as long as I have breath in this body, you are a joy.

Family Bike Ride!

What a wonderful blessing the Lord gave to our family yesterday! Not only was the weather beautiful and warm, but the kids and I were surprised by Ellis coming home early in the afternoon and taking us out on a family bike ride. Ellis is on a wonderful surgery rotation right now (more free time than he has had in the last nine months), and we are enjoying any time we can get with him :).

I thought I would post some photos of our time together so we can remember this day. It will be wonderful to look back and see how the Lord has provided for our family. It has been tough on us all having daddy gone so much, but God is taking care of us.

First, we stopped at a local dive to grab some burgers (the best we have ever tasted!) and dinner for the kids. As opposed to the usual circus that we bring to a restaurant, we were able to enjoy the food and each other without having to request a mop to clean up our mess at the end of the meal!
Corrie enjoyed "dressing up" in mommy's bike helmet

Mac actually ate some food (a rarity at meal times) and here he is saying "I eatin' a HOTDOG!"

We ended our ride by visiting the neighborhood park, where we got to play with our buddies, the Troxell boys (Miles, Riley & Cooper). Such great personalities...can you see why Mac gets along with these guys so well?

Wednesday, March 7, 2012