Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Today you are a joy

Have you ever heard someone tell you, "Man, being at home and raising kids is a full-time job!" I haven't just heard it - I've said it. Over and over again, lot's of times to Ellis, so he can know that it isn't all just fun and games around here when he's at work. Somehow I must make him understand how I suffer!

Sheesh...is this really how I act? Sadly, more often than not...it is. Even sadder, I think I believe it too.

But not today!

There's something different going on around here these days, and the only way that I can explain it is that God Himself is making some pretty big changes in our family.  More on that later, but for now, I just want to declare that I am thankful.

Mac and Corrie, I want you know you that you are not a full-time job to me. Today, and as long as I have breath in this body, you are a joy.

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