Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Simple Machines

Most days as I walk through the house, I can tell pretty easily where Corrie has been. She is always inventing various ways to display her animals, and she loves the thought of giving them fun rides or letting them hang upside-down somehow. 

Sometimes her inventions catch me by surprise. On Monday morning I saw Corrie standing at the bathroom sink with a bar of soap and a piece of cardboard. 

"Corrie! Please don't make a wet cardboard mess!" 

She explained, matter-of-factly, that the cardboard was part of her "soap machine." She created it for sliding soap down in to the sink, "to get it there faster when you have to go somewhere and wash your hands in a hurry." 

Later that morning the little girl across the street came over, and she and Corrie built an "elevator" using a trash bag and some string. After her friend went home, Corrie stayed and played in the tree for a long time, giving her ponies "elevator rides." :)

When Mac got home from school, he couldn't wait to make a "pulley machine" too. His pulley handle was a little more interesting than Corrie's basic shovel handle. (A red spying decoder attached to pencils attached to an embroidery string holder).

Instead of a pony elevator, he made an eyeball carrier.

For now Davey just runs around and watches Mac and Corrie's inventions and machines in action. 
Davey, we can't wait to see your contributions to all of these imaginative adventures!

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