Monday, February 15, 2010

Lax Date

Last Friday Mac and Me (Amanda) we to our first lacrosse game together. It was really fun! We saw the Duke Blue Devils trounce Denver, and we got in free on account of Mac's cuteness (at least that's what I like to think). My favorite part was watching the amazing athletic feats. Mac's favorite parts were kicking his feet together to make noise with his shoes (one of his first times wearing shoes b/c I finally found some that would fit over his fat feet), and banging on the fence and laughing/screaming. It was a pretty sweet time.

1 comment:

  1. Dan and I say, keep the posts coming!!! What a fun adventure! Dan especially liked the part about Mac's fat feet. I liked the part about what Mac most enjoyed. Overall, we give you four enthusiastic thumbs up!
