Saturday, February 21, 2015

A Foot of Snow in C'ville

Whew! Talk about a sweet surprise today! The weather forecast called for just a few inches of snow in the afternoon, but we had a steady accumulation of big, feathery snowflakes starting at 9am and continuing all day long.

We had some friends over in the morning, and they were snowed in with us into the afternoon. Later, kids were outside again while Ellis shoveled our sidewalk. I was a little sad that we didn't have any sleds for the kids, but Mac figured out how to make do. :)

I have not been outside in that much snow in quite a while. I was pleasantly reminded how peaceful and beautiful it is when the snow is falling and the world seems to stop for a bit. I happened to read Psalm 19 earlier today, and it seemed to fit just right for the day.

"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
-Psalm 19:1

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