Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mac's First Cast

Nope, nobody broke a leg. The first "cast" Mac experienced yesterday was actually his first real cast with a fishing pole. He did have a little help from Grandpa Dean with the casting, but he hooked a fish all by himself on his very first try! A green Warmouth fish. Pretty special.

The whole afternoon was pretty special, actually.

Finding worms in Grandma's garden:

The anticipation-filled walk down to the lake (Mac said, "I'm gonna catch a WHALE!")

Watching Grandpa put a worm on the hook:

Reeling in the first cast (which just happened to have a fish on it!)

Getting to hold and study the fish:

Waiting with Grandpa for another fish to bite:

Another fish! (A sunfish this time)

Throwing that fish back (poor fish)

Yep, it was a pretty great day. One of those bittersweet days as a mom, actually. How can my little baby boy be growing up so fast? But at the same time, what a joy it is to see him grow up! Speaking of growing up, look what happened to Corrie yesterday:
Painted nails already?! What happened to our little baby girl? She has been loving her "pretty pink nails" though.  :)

At least we still have one little baby around here. This is how he looked when I checked on him before I went down to the lake with Grandpa and Mac:

And here he was when we got back:
Sweetest little guy!

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