Monday, May 6, 2013

And the Million Dollars Goes to...

So (thankfully) Mac is over his last "treasure" obsession. The one and only guess was from Amy Brooks, so Ames, I guess you get the million dollars. Your guess: a bubble pipe that Mac blew his snot into. You know, I think I can see that:

Actually, Mac found a snail shell (with a dead snail inside) on our walk the other day. He would balance the shell on the end of a red plastic stick that he also found on the walk. The stick was important because he would use it to stuff various bugs inside the snail shell (beetles, ladybugs, ants).
Mac holding a lady bug and explaining how he is about to put it in his shell
While Mac collected dead snails, bugs and trash, Corrie collected flowers
Mac explained all about his new find to Davey as soon as we were done with our walk
Mac had his "empty crab shell," (as he called it) in the car yesterday morning. Ellis' comment was, "you are not letting him take in to church, are you?"

Well, if we lived anywhere other than Front Royal, I might think twice about it, but yep, I did let him. He showed everyone he saw, and their reactions were actually very funny in the sense that no one else thought twice about it either! Although everyone did say, "I think that's a snail shell."

So today Mac found a little key in our junk drawer. We went to the mall this morning to get gifts for Ellis' nurses (it's nurse appreciation week), and Mac and Corrie were already outside by the car as I was coming out the door with Davey. I didn't realize Mac had the little key in his hand, and apparently he put the key in the keyhole to the car door at the exact moment that I pushed the door open button the car remote.

You should have seen their faces! Mac shouted, "It worked! It worked!" and that gross snail shell with the red plastic stick were yesterday's news. Mac told every person we saw at the mall about his key and the amazing things it could do (some of which were news to me!)

He's sleeping with that key right now. So funny to see his enthusiasm and excitement about these things. Everyday is a new chance for discovery and adventure.

The car door that opened this morning and started all of the wonder!
Playing at the playplace in the mall...about as clear of a picture as I could get of these two who would not stop moving :)

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