Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Who Invented the High Five?

Seriously, when did the high five get invented? What did people do before it came around? It has been a favorite of mine throughout my life; I feel I would not be "me" without it. It's been really fun giving Mac and Corrie high fives. I love encouraging them. Today Mac said, "Corrie, great job taking that bite!" And then he scooted over close to her and said, "Give me five!" 

Another thing I really like: How Davey holds his feet together. I don't know if maybe it's because he has such big feet, but he is always doing it and it is really cute. This morning we were going out the door and I saw his little feet sticking out:

Oh, and I also love how Davey squeals with delight and belly laughs when I kiss and tickle him. Been hoping to record it somehow before he is older and I forget what it is like. Yesterday Corrie had my phone while I was changing his diaper, and she made her first movie. She happened to catch a little of his squeally laughter for us!  

Well I guess I will mention one more thing I really like. For a while now, Mac has loved the song, "Jesus Loves Me." He asks me to sing it to him every night, and a few months ago he started asking to sing it with me. I always tickle him when I say "so" at the end, and he loves that part. Today he was singing a really funny song, and I wanted to record it. I said, "Okay Mac, sing your song," and he started singing Jesus Loves Me instead :).

Nope, I can't end this just yet. I worked really hard in the yard today during nap time and I sat down to write this post while Mac and Corrie ate their snacks. Here is what they have been doing while I've been writing this post. Racing cars on a playdough ramp. I am not excited about the mess, but I do love watching them play and I am so thankful for the chance to sit down and rest. Thanks Guys...High Five! (Just kidding)

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